Action for Happiness: 'Happier, Kinder, Together' - support, podcasts, webinars, monthly action calendars and lots more.
Activate Your Holiday! - Activate: Activate are delivering the holiday activity and food programme across Bath and North East Somerset. The Holiday Activity and Food programme is a government funded holiday camp offering free childcare with a free meal for any child who is eligible for benefit related free school meals.
Adult Community Learning | Bath College: a wide range of courses intended for those who want toimprove their chances to find work, support their families or live independently.
Clothing & equipment for under 5s in B&NES: a welcoming and supportive service for families who are experiencing financial difficulties, by providing essential children's clothing and equipment free of charge.
Single Parent Action Network (SPAN) | Your care Your support Wiltshire: an information site for anyone who is raising children on their own, whether through relationship breakup, illness, bereavement, work commitments or choice.
WPCC: Wiltshire Parent Carer Council, representing and supporting parent carers of children and young people aged 0-25 with special needs and/or disabilities resident in Wiltshire.