Strategy, 2021-2026

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Palladian Academy Trust

Palladian Pillars

Pillar 1

Identify and address vulnerabilities to enable schools to be the best at getting better

  • The culture of collective efficacy runs through the Trust and everyone appreciates their responsibility to all pupils. 
  • All schools feel part of the Palladian Family and recognise we are all capacity givers and capacity receivers.
  • All schools to be graded Good or Better by Ofsted.
  • All church schools to be graded Good or Better by SIAMS.
  • A robust governance model and accountability framework to ensure strong challenge and support.
  • All budgets to be balanced and reserves in line with policy benchmarks.
  • Delivery of the Growth Strategy to bring secondary and primary capacity to the Trust.
  • To be a capacity giver and receiver within the wider Trust sector so that all children within our locality have the best possible education.

Pillar 2

Develop and support everybody’s expertise

  • We recognise that every class needs a great teacher, but we feel this goes beyond the classroom to include all colleagues and governors
  • Use research to develop innovative and trailblazing practice
  • Ensure all groups of staff feel invested in and valued
  • Strong CPLD offer
  • Develop a learning culture for all underpinned by a strong moral purpose
  • Detailed talent pooling of all staff and governors so we know where our capacity sits and can signpost to it
  • Develop great leaders at all levels with a clear leadership and career progression framework

Pillar 3

All learners to be their ‘best selves’

  • Identify and removing barriers to ensure CYP are able and ready to learn
  • Recognise that barriers and vulnerabilities are different for all schools and learners, but the solution can be found collectively
  • Challenging outcomes for all – is ‘expected’ good enough?
  • Vulnerable learners – having shared expectations and aspirations
  • Accountability that keeps CYP at the forefront of decision making

Pillar 4

A courageous curriculum delivered through quality pedagogy

  • A Trust curriculum spine that maps out component knowledge from Y1 to Y9 that is carefully sequenced and provides progressive acquisition of knowledge and skills.
  • The ambitious curriculum offer and adaptive teaching ensures the same end points are accessible for most pupils. Where this is different, leaders are clear on what ambitious looks like for these pupils.
  • All pupil-facing colleagues have a comprehensive pedagogical toolkit to deliver high quality learning experiences.
  • The pupil offer (Palladian Promise) for all pupils EYFS-Y9 outlines a progressive model of opportunities for pupils to contribute to the life of the Trust.
  • Outcomes at statutory assessment points are at least in line with national averages for ALL pupils with strong progress measures from starting points at the previous key stage.
  • Shared resources and expertise are carefully considered to impact on workload, subject knowledge, shared high expectations and value for money.

Pillar 5

Ensuring the best use of resources to deliver our social, civic and ethical responsibilities

  • The capacity of our Central Team and schools means we can deliver our vision and strategic priorities in line with our values
  • Develop good citizens through social and cultural capital (the Palladian Promise)
  • Ensure the physical, mental and spiritual health of all is considered
  • Strong and clearly communicated systems and processes so we can all hold each other to account in line with vision and values
  • All systems and process demonstrate value for money
  • Economy at scale where the value of shared contracts and systems is understood and bought into
  • Address the climate emergency through sustainability and understanding of our responsibilities to these at all levels
  • Support beyond our Trust, recognising the contribution we can have on a wider scale

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